What We Believe


AIS Kuwait inspires students to be responsible and adaptable world citizens who retain their cultural values while persevering in the face of new challenges.


AIS Kuwait inspires students to be responsible and adaptable world citizens who retain their cultural values while persevering in the face of new challenges.

تلهم المدرسة الأمريكية الدولية في الكويت طلابها ليكونوا مواطنين عالميين مسؤولين ومبدعين، ومحافظين على قيمهم الحضارية، ومثابرين في مواجهة التحديات الجديدة



Holistic Development
We believe in students’ intellectual, emotional, and social well-being. Therefore, we

•   educate the mind, the body, and the core through curricular and extracurricular experiences.
•   support students’ learning needs for growth.
•   grow in our understanding of education as a journey.

Collaboration and Growth
We believe in collaboration with parents, students, and the community as key to our students’ growth and success. Therefore, we

•   contribute to the students’ growth and beliefs.
•   invite parental engagement in curricular and extracurricular decision-making.
•   develop students’ identity of the self in relation to others.

We believe in our role to guide students into the uncertain future. Therefore, we

•   prepare our students to develop as thinkers and inquirers.
•   engage students in diverse learning experiences to develop problem-solving skills.
•   foster our students’ understanding of excellence and success.


Charter of Students’ Rights and Responsibilities

I have the right to learn and be challenged. It is my responsibility to appreciate learning for its own sake, to be responsible for my own learning, and to improve the learning of others according to the student code of conduct.

I have the right to a school environment that is conducive to learning and is safe and hygienic. It is my responsibility to treat school property with care, to follow school policies and procedures, to dress appropriately, and to assist in making the school a clean, healthy and orderly place.

I have the right to be treated fairly and to be assessed fairly and impartially by my teachers. It is my responsibility to do my own work, to avoid all forms of academic misconduct, and to do nothing that would give me unfair advantage on an assessment or assignment.

I have the right to privacy. It is my responsibility to respect the privacy of others in person and online.

I have the right to feel that I belong to the school community. It is my responsibility to be accepting of others, to share knowledge by learning collaboratively when it is appropriate, and to do my fair share in group work within an encouraging and welcoming school community.

I have the right to my personal possessions within the limits of the student code of conduct. It is my responsibility to treat the personal belongings of others with respect.

I have the right to be respected as an individual and to be treated in a caring manner by everyone. It is my responsibility to be caring and to treat everyone respectfully regardless of age, gender, and/or position.

I have the right to feel safe, secure, and treated with dignity at school at all times in person and online. It is my responsibility to behave in ways that enhance the self-esteem of others and prevent all forms of bullying and disrespect.

I have the right to be heard and to express my point of view to develop myself as a critical thinker. It is my responsibility to listen to others, to hear their opinions thoughtfully, to express my opinions in a civil manner, and to inform my own point of view through learning.

I have the right to be proud of my cultural heritage regardless of my ethnicity, language, religion or nationality. It is my responsibility to be respectful of, and to learn about, the cultural heritage of others, and to inform others about my background and my ways of knowing.

I have the right to be aware of what is expected of me academically in terms of feedback, assessments, examinations, and assignments. It is my responsibility to meet these expectations and to self-advocate as appropriate.


Profile of the Graduates

AIS Kuwait graduates are:

Reflective, Thinkers and Inquirers

o    reflect on their own learning
o    apply critical thinking skills to real-life problems
o    inquire for continued growth and development

• Balanced, Caring and Contributing World Citizens

o    balance intellectual, physical and emotional well-being
o    share experiences and create a vision for the future
o    act responsibly and respect others

• Adaptable and Resilient Risk-Takers

o    grow from diverse environments
o    embrace challenges as learning opportunities
o    develop and foster a growth mindset

• Open-Minded and Cross-Cultural Communicators

o    listen and connect to communicate empathetically
o    consider differences as opportunities for growth
o    seek and evaluate different perspectives
